Monday, July 11, 2005

The incredible shrinking spacemen

Japan. Always making things smaller.

I used to have this recurring dream about these astronauts that used to shrink until they disappeared.

I'm really looking forward to the GB Micro. Nintendo never cease to amaze me in the way they truly bleed every last penny from a product. It doesn't bother me. Each time they Dr Who their devices they improve it in some way, strip it down not beef it up.

There will never be another iPod phenomenon.

Sometimes hi-tech is not what the customer wants. Accessibility is also about affordability.

I use a mobile to make phone calls. I recently downgraded my star trek communicator to a Sony Ericsson T300. Oh I did of course change all the LEDs to blue ones but still the talk time is better than my thermo-nuclear-neo-dylithium walkie talkie (sure it doesn’t transmit my global coordinates to the mother ship or astral project my ass) and it looks cool. A phone is for making phone calls.

All this convergence crap just does not cut it for me.

And what the hell am I talking about? It’s the heat my friend, it is cooking me brain!


Anonymous said...

go gizmondo

Dan Morelle said...

i wonder who pays your wages? is that thing still going?