Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Court Date Set

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe are taking my company to court.

The court date is set.

Monday 27th June at 10:30am

Listed to be heard at Court 57 in the Thomas Moore Building.

Click here for more information on directions.

They will be applying for an Interim Injunction and a Summary Judgement.

Coincidently my wife's due date is on the Sunday 26th June, I hope I don't miss the birth of my new baby.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Dan.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will win!

Anonymous said...

Good luck - also, I'm sure that most judges would be amenable to postponing proceedings for you to be with your wife for the birth of your child - Good Luck to both of you!

Anonymous said...

I hope it goes well and I hope you can get it postponed for your new baby as I would never miss that sort of thing for anything.

Anonymous said...

Dan, good luck with the baby.

I hope you have got your defence sorted as these f**kers like to get their summary judgements!

It may be worth trying to get a barrister on a no win no fee basis. I know Channel technology managed to get one for an early modchip case.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Dan, Sony's bullying is utterly reprehensible.

Anonymous said...

it is admirable the way you are standing up to this bullying, though i am amazed that such a big company as them are willing to drag their own name through the mud for this. good luck.

Anonymous said...

Dan - Am filled with rage over the whole thing.

You have to get as much publicity as possible - the Guardian website had an article yesterday so they may publish something for you or follow your cause.

I love my PSP (grey import and proud of it). I hate the attitude of Sony. What will they gain ? Anyone who is halfway interested in a PSP has bought one already because of their own delays and UK-price-hiking. Their own fault.

You da man !

Anonymous said...

Good luck - any chance of an RSS for this blog though?

Anonymous said...

Firstly, may I wish you and your wife all the happiness with the birth of your child. I hope all is well.
What has occured is just a typical UK issue yet again where UK businesses find themselves the victims of bullying from big corporations. This would never occur in other countries.
Sony should look at it that every PSP sold is a DS not sold. After all, it is a competitive market.
But it all balls down to Rip Off Britian again, the PSP is higher priced over here then the US or Japan. Have also looked last night at my personal PSTwo Slimline machine and was amazed to see that it showed 'Made In Japan' on it, then obviously I must return this at once as its obviously not correct to own this machine (even though it was purchased from Argos in the UK)?
I wish you all the best mate,

Anonymous said...

Utterly amazing.
PSP is produced by Sony, when sold, they make money / profit.
How come there applying pressure with regard to this as what you are selling is a legal item produced by them, not a copy.
Why don't they forward there legal pressure to people like this selling PS2 modchips


as clearly stated below, ps2 modchips are classed as illegal in the uk as they circumvent there copy protection, what does a jap psp do that a uk one won't?


Anonymous said...