Game Over?
Though Sony sued
Sony are still yet to address the fact that
Of course it is the right of big companies to police their intellectual property rights, but in a global market that is a formidable and unenviable task. To run a multimillion pound campaign can to call it 'small beer' as a debt collection project is lunacy of the highest order. Importers and independent retailers are businessmen, not pirates, thieves, or criminals. Businessmen can be reasoned with in a sensible businesslike manner, there is no need for threatening and oppressive behaviour. Apply a little bit of the intellect next time.
Rome absorbed it's rivals, it didn't conquer them.
The only people that can benefit from any such action are the lawyers, the people that suffer the most are the customers. The considerable amount of money wasted by all parties could have been better spent on good causes.
Anti-competitive Market Segmentation and Price Discrimination will not be around forever.
Sony have much more important battles to fight, hopefully verson 2.0 of the firmware will stop software piracy on the PSP. Considering software sales account for a large portion of Sony's profits and that of the Games Industry I sincerely hope that this stitches shut the hole that has been nibbled in its pockets by the pirates.
Releasing a cracked system on to the market in Europe would have been negligent but rushing a beta product on to the world market will inevitably cause damage to the Games Industry that could be significant but unquantifiable.
Am I bitter? No way. I don't drink beer either. I am not in business to litigate; I am in business to do business. I've made some really good friends - you can't put a price on that and none of them are on my payroll.
I'll call this episode adversial invoicing.
Sayōnara Sony.
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